Alien Technology and Government Cover Ups

Major Jesse Marcel had brought some of the scavenged parts home with him after the Roswell crash. He described the debris to appear as Aluminum Foil, but he noticed when you were to bend the material it would bounce back to its original form. As soon as his Commanding officer heard that he secretly took some debris home with him, the commanding officer made him hold pieces of a weather balloon to convince the public it was nothing more than Read More

Illegal Immigration Crime Statistics – The Dark Side of America’s Illegal Immigration Problem

It’s no secret that the USA has millions of illegal aliens within their borders. Almost every time the subject of undocumented workers is raised, someone is bound to point out some illegal immigration crime statistics to discuss the dark side of America’s illegal immigration problem. The population of illegal immigrants in the US is around 11 million and of that, 57% are from Mexico while 24% are from other Latin American countries in Central America. The rest are from other, Read More