24 Million Illegal Aliens in the United States Report Says

It has been widely reported now that there are over 24-million illegal aliens in the United States of America and that is a huge burden on the US Taxpayer at a time when taxes are due. Yet some people believe that all these illegal aliens are paying income taxes, withholding, social security and other taxes. One proponent of open borders and illegal immigration stated; "What are you stupid, can you also do the math of 24 million Mexican paying taxes Read More

Entry Without Inspection Vs Entry With Fraud

Illegal immigrants usually fall into two different categories, those who 1) entered without inspection or 2) entered with fraud. This article will discuss the differences, and possible remedies, for both. Oftentimes, an immigrant who entered the country illegally does not know which of the two categories he falls in, but does know that both ways are illegal. And even though he may be right in so far that both categories stem from an illegality, the possible remedies to cure the Read More