Review: Micromegas

Micromegas. Voltaire, 1752. Short story. “But there was, unfortunately, a little animalcule in a square hat who interrupted all the other animalcule philosophers. He said that he knew the secret: that everything would be found in the Summa of Saint Thomas. He looked the two celestial inhabitants up and down. He argued that their people, their worlds, their suns, their stars, had all been made uniquely for mankind. At this speech, our two voyagers nearly fell over with that inextinguishable Read More

Would an Alien Really Have Three Eyes?

The three eyed alien is something of a science fiction cliché, but would an alien really have three eyes? Without beating around the bush, the simple answer is maybe. That is to say, there is no reason an alien wouldn't have three eyes, so it is completely within the realm of possibility. On Earth, most animal species have two eyes, but there are many creatures with multiple eyes too. Spiders, for example, as well as some insects and crustaceans. Strictly Read More