Pacific Rim: More Than Just Monsters Versus Aliens

The latest offering by director Guillermo Del Toro is action-packed blockbuster “Pacific Rim.” Audiences have been wowed by this movie after its hotly anticipated July release. Visually stunning thanks to a heavy helping of CGI, “Pacific Rim” is filled with spectacular fight scenes and tremendous backdrops. Although some viewers may find the CGI to be a little too intense, this is a vital element for transporting the audience from their cinema seats into the apocalyptic world. It’s also available to Read More

Alien Abduction ~ Fact or Fiction?

If the figures are to be believed, up to 4 million people have been abducted by aliens in the US, with many millions more captured world wide. Although the existence of human hungry aliens might be impossible to disprove per se, it is unlikely that extra-terrestrials could manage such mass kidnappings without being commonly noticed. This suggests that there are many people who falsely believe they have been seized by creatures from outer-space, perhaps after experiencing unusual and bizarre phenomena. Read More