What Is Alien Abduction?

Alien Abduction is a recent phenomenon reported only within the last 50 years or so in America. The event involves a person being kidnapped, and taken aboard an alien spacecraft, usually where experiments and tests are done on them, as if the aliens were gathering information. Often, Alien abductions come hand in hand with the concept of Grey Aliens, who are the primary purported perpetrators of this act. Usually some sort of immobilizing beam or ray is directed at a Read More

Whiting New Jersey Feeds Water to Aliens on Mars; Read All About It!

I was walking around the foundations of the old hotel near Docspond. You now the ones the Piney's burned down in the late sixties. Ah you know the one, I seen you in the woods hiding when it was on flames with your ax in hand and the helmet you fought to keep slipping over your eyes. But that is years ago and neither hear nor there. But You want to know a bigger secret I found out than the Read More