Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder – OCD Concerning Fear of Getting Abducted by Aliens

Do you fear that you are going to be abducted by aliens? Do you perform rituals so that will not happen? If you do, you have OCD. There is a cure so don’t worry. However you’ve got a little work ahead of you. Don’t let that sway you from seeking the help that you need to overcome it. Sometimes we may feel that we are the only one that suffers from the type of OCD that we suffer from, but Read More

Do Alien Abductions Really Occur?

The question as it is posed; Having recently noticed the strange cloud formation, photographed  over Russia, claimed by some to be an alien spacecraft, it made me wonder about all of the claims of abductions of earth human beings by aliens for experimentation. Has this really every happened? Thank you for the questions, and I wish there was a simple answer that would make this more  understandable, and if I were to say that there were indeed abductions by strange Read More