Hollywood, Aliens, And A Christmas Story – Modern Pop Culture Images Of Hungarians in the US

“They’re heeeeerrrrreeeeee…”: Alien-(n)ation. One of the most enduring and entertaining images of Hungarians during the second half of the 20th century is the idea of Hungarians as aliens or Martians. Much of this is tongue-in-cheek, is not intended to be pejorative, and has been exploited to good effect and with great enjoyment by Hungarians themselves – to the point of their likely having been behind its origination. There are multiple overlapping/competing descriptions of how all this started. Consensus suggests that Read More

How Much Do Car Washes Save by Hiring Illegal Aliens?

Have you noticed at your car wash that most of the workers are in fact illegal aliens and illegal immigrants and even the ones who may be legal do not speak English? Well this is because the car wash industry is the most notorious for hiring illegal aliens. In fact most car washes I have been to do hire illegal aliens and these carwashes have been doing it for decades right out in the open. You see they save a Read More