The 14th Amendment Does Not Support Denying Citizenship to Children of Illegal Alien Parents

It appears that the struggling economy is not enough to keep our government representatives busy these days. Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-CA) is pressing hard for a legal reinterpretation of the 14th Amendment. Former champion of immigration reform, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina now strongly advocates for a constitutional amendment to deny United States citizenship to children of illegal aliens to stop the “anchor babies” phenomena. “Anchor babies” is a term used by many to describe when illegal immigrant Read More

Tiwanaku Alien and the Nostradamus Prophecies – Part 1

To some, a direct connection between the sky god of Tiwanaku, physically present in the Andes during early medieval times, and some of the Nostradamus prophecies, published in France nearly a thousand years later, may seem incomprehensible, and unprovable even if true. However, this is not the place to theorize about the technological powers of a galactic super-civilization. This article merely concerns evidence of the link. Before we begin, we need to get the timing straight. We need to know Read More