Insurance For What!? The Oddest Things Ever Covered

At some point in everyone’s life, insurance becomes a necessity. Whether coverage is required by law, like an auto policy, or by prudence, it is a virtual certainty that you will need to hedge against loss. The run of the mill policies (life, home, auto) are understandable. If you lose your home in a flood, you’re going to be glad you had coverage. But then there are others that make you scratch your head. The fact of the matter is, Read More

Self Defeating Species

First of all. As a member of the human race I can think of no greater science discovery than uncovering the existence of Intelligent life in the solar system. Though, when you actually start thinking about the implications that discovery would provide, it starts to sound like not that fun of a discovery. Just think about it. Intelligent life being discovered outside of earth would be huge. The biggest discovery of the century, possibly all of human history. World religions Read More