The Importance of Eye Contact In Seduction and Dating

When meeting women, eye contact is one of the big give away signs whether you’re truly confident and really a guy she wants to get to know. Strong eye contact signals that you’re comfortable with yourself and not afraid of her at the same time; it can be incredibly seductive and build attraction between you. Not being able to hold someone’s gaze is a big problem for a lot of guys often making them come across as weak and easily Read More

How to Change Your Profile Picture to Attract Women on Facebook

The Alpha Profile Pic The first thing any girl would see on your Facebook when you message her, is your profile picture. This is critical because the purpose of your profile pictures, are to convey a message. What is this message you may ask? Well it is essentially to demonstrate higher value (DHV) or to display an alpha-male status. Let us take a look at examples of the type of pictures that you may want to remove from your profile. Read More