How To Make Sex Her Idea And Get Her Begging For It

Most guys have been programmed, either by society or mother nature to chase girls. Girls are taught to be feminine and discreet, while guys are supposed to do all the approaching, and take all the risk. Wouldn’t it be great to get a girl to chase you? Wouldn’t it be fantastic to have a girl be the one calling you and asking you to come over to her place? The good news is with some proper frame control this turns Read More

Alpha Male 101 – What You Need to Know About Being Alpha

Some alpha males are born that way. Some, however, are made. Now, if you want to become an alpha male, you need to change certain things about you. You have probably noticed certain traits of alpha males. For instance, they unconsciously display confidence and dominance and handle themselves well with women in public. One of their more important traits however, is being nonreactive. Being nonreactive is a state of mind, which is being calm. It consists of not reacting to Read More