Conversation Skills of an Alpha Male

Alpha males know how to talk and what to talk about. Many people cannot move on beyond the first date is simply because they lack the knowledge to start an interesting and fun conversation. Knowing how to start an exciting conversation is important as it brings down her defenses and reveals more about her to you. Mastering this set of skill will definitely bring you another step FORWARD meeting the dream girl of your LIFE. Let’s not waste any more Read More

Suppression of the Alpha Male

Prior to the 1970s, role models for young men were plentiful. Their attributes were well described and positive. There were examples of successful men shown in many situations: head of family, business and political leader, sports participants, doctors, lawyers, assembly line workers, minors, airline pilots, explorers, military people, etc. There were self-improvement and further education plans as well as manual skill development programs and technical education schools, all mainly developed around what the male would need In order to support Read More