How to Become an Alpha Male Using the Law of Attraction

If you’ve studied seduction or self-improvement before, there’s a good chance that you’ve run across the phrase “Law of Attraction.” According to the theory of the Law of Attraction, made popular by Rhonda Byrne in a film called The Secret and a book of the same name, thoughts – both conscious and unconscious – can affect things outside the brain. In simpler terms: you will become what you think you are. Struggling with figuring out how to become an alpha Read More

How to Win Your Ex Back – The Alpha Male Way

Before you read this, I must tell you this – this guide is not for the faint of heart, and it is most definitely not for women. In fact, any woman reading this will immediately accuse me of being a sexist pig – and rightly so. But you know what? This guide can help you win your ex back – and that’s what really counts, right? So read on to discover how you can get your ex back – the Read More