Training Your Dog Humanely: Part One

Welcome the Dog to the Human World Have you ever watched The Dog Whisperer and thought, ‘Wow, that guy is amazing! What a great way to train a dog!” I know I have many times. Cesar Milan teaches one basic principle about dogs – a dog is a pack animal by instinct. According to Cesar, your job is to become the pack leader, a dominant Alpha male/female with ‘balance’. I guess by ‘balance’ he means you should treat the animal Read More

Body Language Seduction Tactics – How to Attract Any Woman Using Killer Body Language Tricks

Were you aware that your body language could make or break your chances with a girl? Women observe everything about you and they notice tons of things, and unfortunately, not a lot of guys know how to be an alpha male to attract female attention. Do you want girls to run after you, even without interacting with them in any way? There are actually some ways to do this. Keep reading… Body Language Seduction Tactics – How To Attract Any Read More