6 Mind-Boggling Animals You Can Meet in Peru

Peru is really an amazing place, and those who are lucky enough to buy cheap airline tickets to Peru for future travel can book interesting activities aside from the already typical excursion to Machu Picchu, trekking through the Inca Trail and Lima city tours. So while you are in Peru, why not explore and meet some amazing animals that reside in this beautiful country? Below are just 6 of the thousand species that you can meet there. Some of these Read More

Animal Farm – George Orwell – Review Summary Notes

Animal Farm is one of the two greatest works of George Orwell, the other being 1984. Animal Farm makes satirical allegories of the totalitarian communism of Soviet Russia. The novel is regarded as one of the all-time bests ever written by any author. Animal Farm is a novel of betrayed revolution. It presents the corruption that followed the revolution led by Lenin. In Animal Farm, the characters are animals and human beings. Among the animals, many of them are pigs, Read More