Conversations with Animals by Lydia Hiby

Conversations with Animals: Cherished messages and memories as told by an animal communicator by Lydia Hiby with Bonnie S. Weintraub. I liked this book. It was easy to read and there was lots of useful information in the book for those owners who know that pets have feelings just like we do. They also know a LOT more than you give them credit for. Lydia tells about one cat, Boo, who had stopped using his litter box (like none of Read More

Can Animals Predict the Weather?

It is a fact that many animals have escaped natural disasters by running to higher ground or moving themselves away from the danger long before people did. In the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 it was reported that elephants ran for higher ground, dogs refused to go outside and zoo animals went into their shelters and refused to come out. It has never been proven that animals can predict the weather, but it does seem that they have a Read More