Zoobooks Magazine for Your Animal Lover

What kind of gift can you get my kids? I know my children just love animals. They enjoy trips to the zoo, watching nature shows on television, and learning about the behaviors of different animals and types of animals. So, as a gift, I found that a subscription to Zoobooks Magazine is affordable, fun, and exciting for my animal loving children. There are a number of reasons as well to get your kids involved in Zoobooks Magazine. First off, Zoobooks Read More

New Children’s Book Teaches Friendship While Educating About History and Animals

Clark the Mountain Beaver has spent his life living quietly in his burrow. He has been shy and usually only ventures out at night, but one day, he decides he will have an adventure and leave his burrow during the day when most of the other critters are about. What follows in Karen Shea’s new book Clark the Mountain Beaver and His Big Adventure is page after page of beautiful illustrations as Clark discovers not only what the outside world Read More