Decorative Cages for Reptiles and Other Exotic Animals

My name is Jay W. Nelmes, I was born in Petropolis Brazil in 1965. Although I did not live there long, I remember enough of this beautiful country that it has always intrigued me. My older brother John Charles is 16 years older than I am, so he had the opportunity to explore the jungle quite often and collect Butterflies as well as a vast array of other insects which he mounted in glass frame cases. His collection was fascinating Read More

Animal Euthanasia

When an animal is suffering from a painful, incurable disease or condition, it may be necessary to put it to sleep. This is called euthanasia and is designed to cause minimal pain and distress. There are various ways to euthanize an animal. An intravenous injection of pentobarbital or sodium thiopental will cause unconsciousness, respiratory and cardiac arrest within 30 seconds. The dosage depends on the size of the animal. Stray animals are sometimes put to sleep by anoxia which is Read More