Do Animals Grieve?

Do you believe animals have feelings? How do you observe them expressing their emotions? Can you interpret what they are feeling? Of course, I want my companions to have feelings that I can understand and relate to. I believe that animals are capable of a range of emotions, such as happiness, sadness, empathy, grief, curiosity, anger, anxiety and fear. When Xena (who is ten pounds) lost her big friend Reymundo (who was 90 pounds) she lost interest in taking walks, Read More

Indian Animals

India is home to more than 80 national parks and 144 wildlife sanctuaries. The country is a hub for wildlife enthusiasts, who linger on to spend days and night peeping into the wild harbors. A survey conducted over the wildlife populations briefs out a rough data on the number of exotic flora and fauna, commonly found in the Indian jungles. Not less then 410 species of mammals and 500 species of reptiles inhabit the core region of the country. With Read More