Common Features of Antivirus Software

Ask most people what the latest version of McAfee or Norton installed on their home computer actually does, and they’ll likely tell you it protects them from computer viruses. While that’s true, it’s a little too simple of an answer. Today’s best antivirus software has many features designed to protect users from a variety of online threats -viruses, spyware, Trojans, and worms, for instance – and optimize computer performance. Here are the most common ones: Scans of incoming files: Trying Read More

Virtumonde – The Malicious Spyware

Life is unimaginable without the blessings of science and technology. However we can never ignore the banal effects of the same and the ill intention of those who take undue advantages of the available resources to make life hell for others. A computer virus is a perfect example created by technical geeks who could program expertly to create disaster. Virtumonde is a spyware that fakes virus threat to steal away your credentials, slows down your system and pose security threat Read More