What Is the Best Free Antivirus?

You can find a lot of free antivirus programs out there. But the problem is that most of them can steal your personal information, especially if you are a Windows user. The reason is that Windows is the top target for malware and other viruses. Therefore, make sure you don’t fall a victim to these scams and go to legitimate sites to be on the safe side. Let’s find out how you can opt for the best antivirus. Since the Read More

Internet Security – Important Steps to Protect Your Computer

There are millions of computers in the United States today. However, many people do not think about how they are going to be able to secure their computer when they are accessing the Internet. Some people are smart enough to purchase an anti-virus program. However, the program that they purchase may not be updated regularly or not have a scheduled scan for their computer. This means that they are sitting virtually unprotected from potential viruses, intrusions and other dangers. Internet Read More