Spyware, Viruses, Malware, Worms, Trojan Horses, and Adware: Symptoms, Solutions, and Prevention

Virus: A Virus or Computer Virus is a self-replicating program or piece of script or code that make copies of itself and then either attaches itself to an existing file on the infected system or store copies of itself on the system with innocuous sounding names like ‘repair tool’. The virus is limited to spread itself only by either being transmitted or sent by an unwitting user or carried on a portable storage medium from one system to another. However, Read More

Avast Anti Theft Overview of a Must-Have Security App for Your Mobile Devices

Theft is probably the worst possible thing that can happen to your device. If someone steals your smartphone or tablet, they could end up stealing your identity. There are a number of security apps, but none besides Avast Anti Theft offer the comprehensive protection your mobile device really needs. This is a feature included in Avast’s Mobile Security suite, and can be configured to automatically perform certain actions, such as sounding an alarm if an un-trusted SIM card is ever Read More