My Dental Software is Slow!

Is your Dental Management System running really slow? Are you waiting embarrassingly in front of your patients while the hour glass continues to flip over and over? Dental offices have specialized computer needs. Mix your dental management software (Dentrix, Eaglesoft, Abeldent etc) with your digital imaging (Patterson Image, Dexis, Vixwin, etc) and you get a small number of workstations heavily utilizing a single server. While any computer company can struggle through setup and maintenance of your network takes a specialist Read More

General Computer Protection Strategies to Employ

In addition to buying software for anti-hacking and anti-virus protection, there are a number of additional strategies that you can employ on your computer and as you operate your computer to help protect it against intrusion and to protect your information wherever you may choose to let it reside. Here’s a list of some tips that will help you. Turn off or logout of your computer when not using it – the less time your computer is online, the less Read More