Effective Computer Virus Removal Techniques

What a Computer Virus Exactly Is? A computer virus can be any program such as Virus, Worm or Trojan horse, Malware, Spyware which infect your computer system by affecting its performance. These viruses can cause many harmful changes in your computer which leads to slow system performance and even severe system crash. Now the question is – How you can recognize whether your system is infected by a virus or not? Well, below are some major signs of computer virus Read More

The Creeper and The First Anti-virus Program

It is generally believed that the first computer virus to be unleashed on vulnerable computers was the Creeper Virus. The Creeper Virus infected the forerunner to the internet, a computer network called ARPANET. This was back in the early 1970s. The virus was non malicious in that it did not harm the computers it affected, however on infected machines it displayed the message ‘I’M THE CREEPER : CATCH ME IF YOU CAN.’ The Creeper was duly caught by what is Read More