How to Stop the Sneaky Propagation of the Insidious Viruses Mebroot and Torpig

Botnets have become more prevalent as malware writers becomes more sophisticated. One of the more diabolical pieces of malware that showed up back in 2008 is called Mebroot. This virus, which is still in the wild today, is a rootkit that changes a computers Master Boot Record allowing it to install even before the operating system of the computer gets loaded, which protects it from anti-virus protection software. When prioritizing elements of enterprise network security, preventing malware like a rootkit Read More

Basic Facts About Computer Viruses

Most of us are clueless when it comes to different viruses that are attacking and ruining our computers. There are thousands of different viruses out there and it is just close to impossible to identify and know each and every one especially because new ones are constantly appearing everyday. What is important is to be aware of the most common ones that threaten your computer. Here are the common threats to your computer. First are the viruses. These are the Read More