Solutions To Computer Viruses

Does your computer lag or does it seem to have any unusual behavior, if it does chances are your computer is infected with a virus. To help you with solutions to computer viruses I have answered some questions people ask me about getting rid of viruses. 1.)Whats is a computer virus? Computer viruses are small software programs that are designed to spread from one computer to another and to interfere with computer operation. A virus might corrupt or delete data Read More

Bypassing the Need for and Avoiding the Risks of Covid-19 Vaccines

The warp speed development of an anti-Covid-19 vaccine disregards the non-immunological anti-virus defense mechanism mediated by the alternative cellular energy (ACE) pathway. This pathway was identified in studies on stealth adapted viruses. These viruses have deletions or mutations in the genes coding for the relatively few virus components that are normally targeted by the cellular immune system. Public Health authorities have denied the existence of these viruses because some were originally derived from the viruses that infect the monkeys used Read More