Married Life: American and Japanese (Watch Your Language)

Good communication is an invaluable tool found in every successful leader’s arsenal of capabilities. It is also a corner-stone in every successful marriage. As a couple grows with each other both physically and emotionally, so does their ability to communicate their needs and their ability to create real conflict resolution. The trouble arises when you and your spouse don’t fully understand one another. This may seem odd to some and I can imagine that others are entirely perplexed. How and Read More

Presidential Authority in Nuclear Warfare

Most Americans are generally aware that the United States and Russia have huge stockpiles of nuclear warheads. But this matter has never loomed large until recently. Now Americans are hearing bellicose statements by the president that can be interpreted only as veiled threats of nuclear strikes against Iran and North Korea. Such statements, if taken seriously, could precipitate a nuclear conflict. How has this situation come about? Prior administrations did not brag about the American nuclear arsenal, nor did they Read More