Living Finish Defined – The Facts About Copper Sink Finishes

If you are considering a metal faucet, sink or countertop for your kitchen or bath you may have heard the term “living finish” or perhaps “organic finish”. Any metal besides stainless steel that is not coated with a sealer or a metal finish such as chrome will acquire a “patina” over time. This means the finish will change and evolve through exposure to the environment. Some call this “oxidation” (exposure to oxygen) but this patina process is also caused by Read More

Come Fly With Me, By: Sandi Perry

Allison Ross is a sharp, blue-eyed, drop-dead gorgeous society girl from New York. She’s witty and strong-willed. At thirty years old, Allison is pretty ambivalent about marriage, but everyone important to her is calling her out on the issue. Her mother would love to have grandchildren and Kenyon, her fairy godmother (as he refers to himself), says she has no love life because she is cold, tart, and as frosty as a winter morning in New York! Author, Sandi Perry, Read More