Features Of Online Art Galleries

By definition, an art gallery is a space where art is exhibited. More often than not, the art displayed will be visual in nature such as paintings, sculptures, drawings, costumes, collages, watercolors, prints and photographs. In certain cases, artistic events such as poetry readings and music concerts are also hosted at these galleries. Contrary to popular belief, art museums are frequented by millions of people each year. Unlike science, art does not require an explanation. What is mesmerizing for some Read More

Alaska Art Galleries – A Window on the Creative North

When planning a trip to Alaska the top activities always involve the outdoors. This is entirely natural, as the outdoors very much define Alaska. However, there is a cultural heartbeat to the land as well, and many native Alaskans who were born here or moved here after falling in love with the place, try to communicate the appeal of that land through art. With a huge number of tourists travelling through every summer, many Alaskan artists are able to devote Read More