The Top 10 Art Marketing Strategies – Brand Recognition

Art marketing in today’s world is more a science than ever before. With so many different outlets, successful artists have learned to tap all of these outlets and create their brand. Once an artist has created brand they will be able to increase the value of their Art and volume of Sales. Art Marketing Strategy of creating your brand has been difficult in the past. However this is not the case in today’s world of Internet Marketing. Using some simple Read More

Who Does Art Belong To?

Lawyers can fight for pretty much the rights, the justice (ideally) of nearly any subject from pharmaceuticals, corporate, criminal, divorce, and my favorite even art. It’s always a question of appropriation, what belongs to whom. In the case of art this is going to go way over anyone’s head because nobody has a clear definition of art (this changes all the time) and then there’s the issue of who owns the art. Is it the creator? Does the artist really Read More