Nepal Is the Country With the Lowest Human Development Index (HDI) in Asia

Nepal falls among the group of countries with the least HDI (Human Development Index) owing to the poor economic condition of the nation. According to the annual report published by United Nation Development Program (UNDP)’s 20th Human Development Report (HDR), Nepal’s HDI for the year 2010 is 0. 458. Although Nepal is one of the rapidly developing countries with respect to the increasing trend followed by the HDI, it is still not enough. The 0.458 HDI gives Nepal a rank Read More

The Charisma Man Syndrome – Why Westerners are Treated Like Alpha Males in China

It’s one of the world’s better-kept secrets. I can personally confirm that the phenomenon I am about to describe is almost unknown among North Americans. So if you are reading this in Asia, don’t tell anybody back home… Guys, if you go anywhere in Asia except for Hong Kong, you might as well have a leather jacket issued to you as soon as you step off the plane, because you are the Fonz. Welcome to Alpha Male status. The first Read More