Kiwi Migration To Australia Grows

In Australia, migration officials are now dealing with the large number of people moving into the country. Indeed, the amount of immigrants moving into the country has significantly increased in the past few months, mainly due to the booming economy. And experts are saying that this is likely to grow even more in the next few years. One of the people that are arriving into Australia in large numbers are the Kiwis, or the folks coming from New Zealand. In Read More

The Blockage to Passing Laws to Allow Same Sex Marriage in Australia

The debate continues and the media is ramping up its reports on the refusal of the Federal Liberal Government to allow a conscience vote in parliament on the issue of same-sex marriage. The members are divided because of the influence of the religious background of many of them. This is especially so regarding the last Prime Minister, Tony Abbot, whose allegiance to the Catholic view on the subject continues to block it. The question is how far should religion be Read More