Are Australia’s Unique and Much Loved Koalas Facing Extinction?

When I was a small boy, my first cuddly toy was a koala. I loved its softness and cherished it for many years. Today, it is still my favourite Australian animal. Sadly, there are worrying signs that koalas are vanishing from the Australian bush. The Australian Koala Foundation said its research showed the furry icons were suffering through urban development and climate change. The number of wild koalas in NSW, where they are already listed as vulnerable, could have dropped Read More

Nitimiluk National Park, Northern Territory, Australia

This National Park, formerly called Katherine Gorge National Park is situated in the Northern Territory of Australia, 244km south-east of the state capital of Darwin. This National Park is flanked to the north by another of Australia’s beautiful National Parks, Kakadu. Nitimiluk means, in the language of the Jawoyn people, who are the custodians of the park, ‘place of the cicada dreaming’. The gorges and surrounding landscape that is protected within this park are of great spiritual significance to the Read More