Expat Family Life in Bangkok

I moved to Thailand in 2003, simply because I was bored with my life in the United States. I had lived in Boston, studied in New York, and traveled the world. Traveling was my favorite thing to do until I went to Thailand. It was like I was searching the world for something, and finally found it in Thailand. After that, I had little to no desire to travel anymore. Though I missed my family and friends back in the Read More

Visiting Bangkok Thailand Is Not To Be Missed

Bangkok is the capital of Thailand, which is a country located in Southeast Asia, and it has a population of roughly 70 million people. Bangkok, is the capital of the country, and its population is around 14 million people. It is by far the largest city in the country, and it is the number one tourist attraction in all of Southeast Asia. A couple of the other major metropolitan areas in the country that you might want to visit, are Read More