10 Unknown Facts About Thailand

1. Rainmaker King Some years ago the rice farmers of Thailand experienced a severe drought period. The king, who since many years had been involved in helping the rural population of Thailand invented a method to make rain, for which he also filed an international patent. Airplanes are used to shoot silver iodide chemicals into the clouds in specific ways, so that they are stimulated to rain. This method did proof successful. 2. Mysterious Fireballs At a certain time of Read More

5 Tips For Your Next Holiday In Thailand

In most people’s view, Thailand is a distant exotic image that tends to be an enviable dream rather than fond memories. Assuming you are lucky enough to afford to travel to Thailand, planning your trip carefully goes without saying. Firstly, you need to decide what type of holiday you want to have in Thailand, or what parts of Thailand you would like to visit, before you book your flights and holiday accommodation in Thailand. There have been political problems in Read More