The Influence of Basketball Throughout Your Life

Basketball, just like any sport, is important for any child during their development and growth. Basketball can be played by both boys and girls and men and women. Organized kid’s teams start as early as 6-7 years old. Basketball promotes team work, team spirit and helps get children into better physical shape. Not only do people play organized basketball in some sort of league but it is also played in a pick up format. Pick up basketball can be played Read More

Polycarbonate, Acrylic, Glass, and Plastic Basketball Hoops – Which Backboard Material Is Best?

It’s pretty undeniable that there are a lot of decisions to be made when you observe all of the hundreds of basketball hoops for sale. Should you get a portable unit or in ground? Should you get a system with a square pole or round? How big should it be? But one of the most important decisions is what the basketball backboard material. The four backboard materials offered are molded plastic, acrylic, polycarbonate, and glass. So what is the difference Read More