Violations in Basketball – 7 Most Common Infractions

A violation is an infraction of the rules. The team who committed a violation is penalized by awarding the ball to the opposing team. Listed below is the list of the most common violations committed in the game of basketball. 1. Ball out-of-bounds As a rule, the ball is out-of-bounds when it touches the player or any person who is out-of-bounds; the floor or any object on, above or outside the boundary line; and the backboard or any object above Read More

The Anatomy Of A Basketball Jump Shot

The 5 Main Pillars of a Great Jump Shot Let’s start by defining jump shot – shooting the basketball from more than 3 feet away from the basket. A jump shot can be simple or highly complex based on mechanics. Anyone can be a great jump shooter! I too struggled for many years trying to develop a consistent jump shot that I could shoot from anywhere on the court. I truly believe that anyone can be a great jump shooter Read More