Plus Size: Feeling Good in Brazil

In Brazil, we are told, vanity, as an excessive pride in one’s appearance, is not viewed as a negative attribute. All the people, men as well as women, are expected to go to great lengths to look good. As a result of the tremendous pressure to look slim, beautiful and young, Brazilian women were reported in 2014 to spend eleven times as much on beauty products as British women. Yet even in this society which worships the youthful figure, there Read More

Attract Asian Women to Have Her Sweet Affirmation of Love

You’ve been there, you’ve been rejected and you’ve definitely been deterred and had your dose of “not interested” signals. If all these negative and off-putting indications had hindered you from getting and attracting the girl of your dreams then you must be lacking some “get-that-girl-with-ease” strategy. This kind of strategy does not necessarily mean taking advantage of every opportunity to persist, persist and persist, rather employ those moves with some slowly but surely “get-that-woman” technique. Asian women are conservative by Read More