Will The Pandemic Transform Into An Endemic?: 5 Considerations

It’s been nearly – two years, since the time, most believe, this horrific pandemic began infecting humans! We seem to have lost many opportunities, by failing to act, when needed, in a well – considered, timely manner, under the auspices of scientific and medical experts and professionals! Over 800, 000 Americans have lost their lives (and, probably, even more), and several million, world – wide, and tens of millions (and more) have been infected, to various degrees, etc! It seems, Read More

A-H1N1 Swine Flu Likely Originated in US Lab

When the first reported cases of A/H1N1 swine flu emerged in April 2009, it was widely believed that the novel influenza strain originated in Mexico. By late June, when evidence failed to materialize confirming a Mexican origin, a new theory hypothesized that A/H1N1 originated in Asia and was transported unintentionally via an unsuspecting human carrier to North America. This though, probably is not the case. Instead it is likely, though not confirmed, that A/H1N1, is a genetically engineered creation that Read More