A Copernican Revolution in American Economics!

$4 TRILLION DOLLARS! On average that’s how much the American economy grows annually. That’s, on average, how much new value is created each year by the American economy. 330 MILLION! That’s the approximate population of the USA in 2021. So, if you divide $4 trillion dollars by 330 million people, you’ll find that, on average, the American economy grows at the rate of $12,000 per person, annually. With those figures in mind, let’s explore what happens if the Federal Reserve, Read More

5 Areas Where We Feel Inflation!

Too often, we consider things, based on labels, perceptions, etc, instead of delving, deeply, and considering, the true impacts, and ramifications, and possible, paths – forward! At – current, one of the most – discussed, topics, is, inflation, and what it might mean, to all, of us! However, these considerations, often, proceed, in an overly – simplistic way, which serves very little purpose, in a relevant, and/ or, sustainable way. In fact, most people are being affected, by inflation, and Read More