Bunking Is a Great Art

Bunking is a great art, in fact I would like to reword this sentence as today’s bunker is tomorrow’s millionaire. By justifying this, I want to tell you that had bunking not been in this world we might have not seen the great inventions like Microsoft Windows, Apple Computer Technology, Dell Hardware Technology owned and invented by Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Michael Dell respectively. These all great personalities used to bunk their classes in the colleges and thought something Read More

Is Immortality Within Our Grasp?

What if you were told you could live forever; your death could be put off indefinitely? Like most of us, your initial reaction would likely be laughter, followed by “sure, sure… wouldn’t that be nice?” After all, mortality is a fact of life and our ultimate demise is something that we must (pardon the pun) learn to live with… or is it? Author, inventor, and futurist Ray Kurzweil doesn’t think so. In fact, he views death as nothing more than Read More