The Most Powerful Planet in Vedic Astrology

Vedic Astrology is a part of Astronomy. It starts where Astronomy ends. The planets that revolve around the sun create a grave impact on the lives of people on the earth as well. For understanding an individual’s horoscope, the 9 zodiac planets form the single most important criteria. But it depends majorly upon where these planets are placed in relation to each other. Some of the very basic matters in life which are defined by planets are Happiness in an Read More

In Search of Yesterday – Memories of the Black Watch in Cyprus 1958 to 1960

The 1st Battalion Black Watch left Edinburgh by train one evening, perhaps in October of 1958. We wore drill order which consisted of kilt and TOS etc. We always travelled in kilts in those days. It’s such a long time ago that I forget which port we embarked from. I imagine it was Portsmouth. Certainly in the south of England. We spent about twelve days on a very old slow moving troopship to get to Cyprus. There were short stops Read More