How to Clean and Fix Your Oscillating Fan

When cleaning the fan, you will need the following things: -a screwdriver, to open the fan -detergent and some warm water to clean it -dry cloth or a towel to wipe off the remaining water Not really a lot of things, right? Well, that’s one more benefit of oscillating fans-they are really easy to open and clean. An oscillating fan cools down more air than a regular fan, so it’s more likely to get dirty faster and more often. That’s Read More

A Close Look at Chinese Butterfly Swords

Chinese Butterfly Swords were primarily used in Southern China, although you’ll see them used in Northern China occasionally. To give you an idea of the blade length of this weapon, they are about the length of a forearm. This makes it easy for someone to hide these weapons inside their sleeves or boots. Also during close quarter combat it makes it easy to when rotating and spinning these. These weapons most often come in pairs of two. Chinese Butterfly Swords Read More