Residential Wind Turbines – Can You Use Them?

Many people living in cities are itching to take advantage of residential wind turbines, but this may prove to be difficult. Cities are some of the least hospitable places for wind turbines to be located. Turbines work most efficiently when placed in undisturbed airflow. Any large obstacles nearby, such as buildings will greatly affect the amount of power that a turbine can produce. To find a suitable residential wind turbine, the best option may be a vertical axis wind turbine Read More

Feeling Culture Shock in "A Blurry-Bordered, Polyglot Blade Runner World"?

Is America a “culture-shocked society” at war with itself, as is the rest of the world? Mr. Ian C. Dawkins Moore-a man on a mission, who hates “xenophobic bores,” who, in a continuing voyage of self-discovery, traveled through the heart of Europe back to Africa and then into America-believes it is. And so, taking the term “culture shock” from Alvin Toffler’s 1970 book, Future Shock, he has set out to wake us up and to help us better understand the Read More