Pocket Knives – Choosing the One That’s Right For You

There are hundreds of name brand pocket knives and thousands of different styles. Lots of people would like to get one but sometime don’t know where to start. The 1st thing you want to consider is what you want the knife for? Is it for work, play, recreation, hobby or hunting. If you are looking to get one for work, most utility knives can be very useful. Typically you wouldn’t really want one with a sheath. This can get in Read More

Product Review – IST Talaria Split Fins

Split Fins are the latest innovations released from the scuba fins product line. A streamlined version of the traditional pair of paddle fins, the scuba gear is conceived with a signature split blade design, intended to reduce drag and propel the diver forward with a few, minimal kicks. This technology likely enhances diver propulsion to cover greater distances in the water column at a much quicker pace while utilizing a reduced volume of air. Nonetheless, only a few split fins Read More