Warming Up For BMX Racing and BMX Training

This month I want to touch on the importance of warming up. There seems to be a lack of understanding that warming up is burning energy, or “burning matches” as they say in cycling. The truth of the matter is that a warm up routine is to not only to get the body in a mode to be ready for optimum performance, but to also get your mind ready for the task at hand. The best results in training and Read More

Some Facts About BMX Bikes That You Should Know

Do you like BMX bikes? If you do, you might know anything about these bikes. But, you will find that reading the following article will give you the addition knowledge about these bikes. The BMX bikes were known in the early sixties. These bicycles were manufactured by Schwinn. The first type of bike that was manufactured was called as Sting Ray. And the first race of BMX was help in California in 1971. BMX is the abbreviation of Bicycle Motocross. Read More