Jumping Stilts – Is the Newest "Extreme" Sport Extremely Dangerous? – Here’s the Real Scoop

Are jumping stilts – the newest extreme sports equipment – extremely dangerous? One look at these radical new kinds of stilts will give any parent a twinge of fear for their “baby,” that’s almost a given. “Not my kid!” can be a pretty typical parental reaction after seeing jumping stilts for the first time. Anything that has a person standing 18 inches taller on what look like very small “hooves” on the end of very long springs just can’t be Read More

A Woman’s Courage – Bringing Yoga to Men

Some people have the amazing strength and courage to turn tragedy into something good for others. This young woman turned her near life-ending tragedy and serious back injury into a journey help men relieve back pain naturally, and to help our Marines wounded in the wars and aid their families. Loredana “Laurie” Meilbeck, a Registered Yoga Instructor, had her world changed forever in the form of an over-sized SUV crushing her tiny Ford Escort at 65 miles an hour, and Read More