What to Wear When Riding Stunt Scooters

When you are on the go on your stunt scooter you want to make sure that you put on clothing that is comfortable to ride in, offers protection against bails and scrapes, clothes that look nice and that won’t get trashed in a couple of sessions. Finding good stunt scooter clothing can be hard on the high street with the small amount of skate clothing outlets, although online you will find great choice all the top skate clothing brands including Read More

Teaching Children Conscientiousness for Success

Do you know there’s a success factor you can start instilling in your child right now? It’s a trait that, according to a tsunami of research, is more predictive of success in life that any other skill or aptitude. It’s the often overlooked trait of conscientious behavior. Conscientiousness 101 Your child may be too young to know the word, but that doesn’t mean he or she can’t grasp the concept. A sense of right and wrong is one of the Read More