Muscle Building – Whey Protein Or Meal Replacement Powders For Building Muscle?

In your attempts to build muscle, you will quickly come to realize that a number of bodybuilding supplements are really good and can help you. But, one of the things I hate most regarding the bodybuilding supplement business is that they have lost just about all credibility by steadily formulating goods whose benefits are to say the least questionable. But one can’t simply say that every supplement is bad. Nevertheless, it gets a little difficult to sort the truth from Read More

Kiss Body Building Workouts Goodbye!

I walked out of the locker room at the gym yesterday only to hear a gym regular telling one of her cronies that she was going to train biceps and triceps that day. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for this wannabe. Every day, she, along with her parakeet-legged hubby and his overflowing love handles, slop their way through some inept combination of a body part workout, marked by isolation movements and their ongoing love affair with the cable machine. Read More