The Psoas Book – Liz Koch – Book Review

The Psoas Book was written by Liz Koch and first published in 1981. Liz has been practicing the healing arts of over 30 years. She has authored several books relating to core health, and specialized in body treatments with focus on the iliopsoas muscle. Liz has also developed a program called “Core Awareness”, which with using core muscle techniques, develops and enhances the proprioceptive nervous system. This system handles orientation, balance and skeletal alignment. It is believed that the iliopsoas Read More

How to Find the Most Interesting Book to Read

When people are bored, one of the coolest things they do is to grab a book and indulge themselves in reading it. Ever since before, books were created not just to give out valuable information to mankind, but as well as for them to kill time and achieve a sense of relaxation. Today, you can find plenty of book stores situated everywhere. Some are small bookstores while others are huge enough for you to tour around in one day. And Read More